Aarhus University Seal

Trine Anemone Andersen


Member of Administrative Staff, Akademisk medarbejder

Primary affiliation

Trine Anemone Andersen

Areas of expertise

  • Emission inventories
  • Agricultural GHG emissions
  • Mitigation measures in agriculture
  • Greenhouse gas accounting
  • Quality assurance

Contact information

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Trine Anemone Andersen is academic staff at Institute of Environmental Science at Aarhus University, Risø, Denmark. 

As part of the emissions group, her work involves mainly research based public sector consultancy, where she works broadly with greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture, on both livestock production, crop cultivation and fretilization and land use changes. She contributes with quality assurance and compliance across the agricultural sectors in connection with Denmark's annual inventory of greenhouse gases, which is submitted to the EU and UN (UNFCCC).

She furthermore contributes on a lot of other colsultancy projects and research projects as a consultant covering implementation and documentation requirements for new data in the emission inventory.

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