Aarhus University Seal

Video tour at the new Danish Cattle Research Centre

Welcome to a guided video tour in the new research facilities at the Danish Cattle Research Centre (DKC), Aarhus University.


Due to the COVID-19 situation, it still has not been possible to have an official opening of the new research facilities at the Danish Cattle Research Centre in Foulum. With this video, you will therefore have the opportunity to look into the new and modernised barns. Along the way, the researchers will tell you about the unique settings for the cattle research.

More information


You can also read/re-read the article about the new Danish Cattle Research Centre:
An impressing and unique cattle research centre at AU Foulum.

If you are interested, you can also see the building process of the new DKC in pictures
- from the top spit to the finished buildings.

Visit DKC’s homepage: https://anis.au.dk/en/danish-cattle-research-centre/